Join Us

Join Us

We are a volunteer organization funded through memberships and donations. Please consider the organization for In Memorium remembrances and in your estate planning. Thanks in advance.


Thank you for your interest in becoming a NAMI East Bay member. By joining this local affiliate, you will become a member of the NAMI State and National organizations. Your dues include payments we will make of $10 each to the state and national organizations.

The following are the three types of memberships we offer:

– Individual Membership $40
– Family/Household (for individuals at same address)  $60
– Open door membership/low income $5

Your membership gives our organization strength in advocacy efforts at local, state and national levels. You will receive our newsletter and local news alerts plus receive the state and national periodicals. Discounted prices available for NAMI conferences.

Step 1:

Step 2:

Submit Membership Application

    NewsletterRecord keepingFamily to FamilyGrant writingHospitalityTechnical skillsAlternativesHousingAdvocacy/legislativeLong term careCounty mental healthOther (please specify in notes below)

    OR – print the following and mail to us at 980 Stannage Ave, Albany CA 94706.

    Full Name(s):

    (names of individuals covered under Family/Household membership)



    Email Address:

    Interested in the following? (you can select more than one):

    Office volunteering:

    ☐ Newsletter labelling

    ☐ Membership/record keeping 

    ☐ Family to Family class

    ☐ Grant writing 

    ☐ Hospitality committee

    ☐ Technical skills 

    Networking groups:

    ☐ Alternatives

    ☐ Housing

    ☐ Advocacy/legislative

    ☐ Long term care

    ☐ County mental health services 

    ☐ Other (please specify):