Speaker Meetings What's New

Delivering Evidence-Based Competitive Employment Services:  IPS Supported Employment Services

Delivering Evidence-Based Competitive Employment Services:  IPS (Individual Placement and Support) Supported Employment Services

Join us for a discussion with staff members from the Vocational Services division of Alameda County Behavioral Health.  They will be sharing information about supportive services for clients motivated to work.  Highlights will be actionable strategies, grounded in the IPS model, enabling managers to facilitate meaningful competitive employment outcomes.

Jan 22, 2025 07:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Recording of Meeting can be found below.
Passcode: Q9D5z4.=
Speaker Meetings What's New

Self Care with Diana Winston and Susan Davidson

Self Care

Wed,  Dec 4, 7:30-9:00pm on  Zoom

       In recent days, many families have joined the ranks of our families who have loved ones with mental illness and experiencing – with us – the emotional world of sadness, disappointment, coping challenges, anger, frustration, etc.  Welcome to our world – it’s not a fun one.

    NAMI East Bay has been  scheduling its  educational presentations on the fourth Wednesday of each month, which this year falls on holidays. So we’re breaking with habit and scheduling a special evening  zoom event on Wednesday, December 4 on the topic of Self Care – how can we take care of ourselves in stressful times?

    Let’s gather and hear from Diana Winston,  Director of UCLA Mindful and author of many articles and these books: The Little Book of Being, Fully Present, and  Wide Awake.  (  We will also hear  from Susan Davidson, practitioner of breathing exercises based on James Nestor’s book Breath.  And we will talk about concrete self-care actions  and, most importantly, hear from you.  Come and share how you’re coping.

   The holidays and winter weather bring their own contribution to stress and the addition of dealing with our loved ones and now the election has produced a “perfect storm”.  Join us and feel free to invite non-NAMI friends to participate in our mental health-themed evening.     

Video recording of Dec 4 meeting on Self Care
Passcode: hjj8@Hzu
Speaker Meetings What's New

 Mental Illness/Genetics/Environment by  Isabel Zaror, PhD

Mental Illness/Genetics/Environment. 

      October 237:30-9:00, zoom (link below)

     Isabel Zaror, PhD, is the recently-retired Executive Director at Novartis Biomedical Research in Emeryville.  Her presentation will review the basics of genetics and explore the current scientific evidence of how genes play a role in mental illness.  We will discus’s how the environment and upbringing influence the onset of these diseases.  Dr. Zaror  presented to us ten years ago and it will be interesting to hear how things have changed.

Passcode: 2^4qHBn=

Speaker Meetings What's New

American Madness, Alice Feller, MD

Wednesday,  September  25, 7:30-9:00pm on zoom.  

We are pleased to have local psychiatrist Alice Feller discuss her book American Madness.  This book is a must-read since Dr. Feller writes not only about Serious Mental Illness and difficulties around diagnosis  but also shares about her personal experiences with clients and the varying contexts in which she has had these experiences.  She gives the history of legislation and pinpoints the issues which she feels are detrimental to the process of providing good care and support to our ill relatives.

Zoom Meeting Recording
Passcode: 3t@%Rhpz 

Speaker Notes.

Speaker Meetings What's New

 Special Needs Trusts

August 28, 7:30-9:00 pm on Zoom. 

  Stephen Dale, Attorney, will present on Special Needs Trusts. His website at is a rich one and contains several educational videos which will be helpful as you consider and/or initiate this process, so crucial in planning for the future of your ill relative.

Recording and Speaker Notes can be found below:

Zoom Recording Passcode: +*F.kmV2

Speaker Meetings What's New

Supportive Community Housing Alliance by Executive  Director Teslim Ikharo

The Supportive Housing Community Alliance (SHCLA) is a new collaborative organization that uses the community land trust model to create and steward affordable supportive housing and  home ownership opportunities for and with people living with serious mental health conditions and extremely low income.  The land trust acquires homes and master leases them to adult residential  facility operators.   The model is  is one of community ownership, long term affordable availability and a resident-centered emphasis.  Website is

You can watch the video recording here:

Passcode: PuY15z^u

Speaker Meetings What's New

Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder

Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder
Wednesday, June 26, 7:30-9:00
Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 827 8393 6531

 Join us as Abby Ingber, Executive Director of the National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder, along with a parent and individual with lived experience, present to us. The website is a wealth of information.

Gain a greater understanding BPD including diagnosis, stigma and treatment methods.  Hear from people diagnosed with BPD and family members about their journey and ways to find treatment and support. Presentation will be videotaped and posted here, along with a writeup.

Recording can be found below:

Passcode: *r8nsUt2

Speaker Notes can be found here.

Speaker Meetings What's New

Inside John George Psychiatric Hospital 

Inside John George Psychiatric Hospital 

      Wednesday, May 22, 7:30-9:00 – zoom link below

Most of us family members know John George only in a time of crisis when we’re experiencing a state of worry, exhaustion, confusion, fear, anxiety, sadness – you name it…every emotion in the book.  What really goes on there? 

Join us for a conversation with Patty  Espeseth, Chief Administrative Officer: Francesca Tenenbaum, Director Patients’ Rights and Advocacy Training; and Beverly Bergman, Family Caregiver  Advocacy Specialist.  These friends of NAMI are highly experienced and know the territory well.

Recording of the Meeting can be found here:

Passcode: y+vD12?B

Speaker Notes can be found here.

Speaker Meetings What's New

Been There, Done That.  Panel discussion, April 24, 7:30-9:00

Been There, Done That.  Our 4th Wednesday (April 24) educational presentation will be a casual zoom discussion with five panelists who self define as consumers but who have gotten through the bad parts, made some peace with it all and are now working in the mental health/illness arena.  Jesse Marsh, Lee Davis, Jeffrey Caiola, Viveca Bradley and Ian Morgan will share their stories and insights and discuss the perspective they developed.  Link for the 7:30-9:00 pm event is 

    Join Zoom Meeting:

Recording of the meeting can be found here:
Passcode: 2?caQh#a
Speaker Meetings What's New

Integrative Approaches to Mental Health

Integrative Approaches to Mental Health,
 Dr. Eric Arnold,
March 17, 1:00 pm on Zoom

Dr. Eric Arnold is the Vice President of Bay Psychiatric Associates and Director of ECT, Inpatient Partial Hospitalization Program, Alta Bates/Summit. Trained in psycho-pharmacy, psychotherapy and incorporation of psychodynamic and cognitive behavioral approaches, he uses integrative approaches to mental health such as Ketamine, TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation), ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy) and psychotherapy for diverse psychiatric conditions. These non-medication interventions will be the topic of his presentation.

This month, we have a date other than our regular 4th Wednesday presentation. Because of time issues, we will be taping his talk on Sunday, March 17 at 1:00 PM (link below), videotape it and post it for viewing on our website under What’s New.  Join us for the live presentation if you have questions and would like to interact with our speaker. 

Video recording of 3/17/23 presentation:
Passcode: Y.TnNm2r
Speaker Notes can be found here:

Join live Zoom Meeting March 17, 1:00 pm
Meeting ID: 845 2208 1142