What We Offer

What We Offer

NAMI East Bay

4th Wednesday Educational Events

Our monthly educational events will have speaker presentations or, in a more casual format, group discussions around selected topics with invited discussants.  We strive to cover all areas of interest to families who are dealing with relatives or friends with mental illness. These sessions offer time for questions and answers.

Until further notice, meetings will be held on Zoom 7:30-9:00pm with the details and links announced at “What’s New”. Video recording and a written summary will be posted on the website along with the original announcement.  That information will also be sent out in the group mail bulletin.  These sessions are free and open to the public.

Support Groups

Note:  Our December Tuesday evenings fall on Christmas and New Year’s Eve so we’ll be meeting on the Mondays of those weeks instead!

NAMI East Bay offers weekly online support groups every Tuesday from 6:00-8:00pm! These Zoom meetings are FREE and open to the public.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 6417 8986

In-person Support Group

We will hold an in-person support group on the last Saturday of every month, 10:00 am-12:00 pm, at our office on the second floor of the Albany Methodist Church at 980 Stannage Ave, Albany, CA.

Note: We will open the door at 9:30 am but due to church security concerns, need to close and lock the doors by 10:10. If necessary, call our office phone at 510-524-1250.


An electronic bulletin will be sent out twice monthly, announcing educational topics, other events of interest, legislation, affiliate news, etc. For those paid members uncomfortable with the technical world of email and computers, a paper bulletin will be sent out monthly. This mailing needs to be requested.


Our “Resources” page is currently being updated to contain names, services offered, and contact information for local resources. We have a Glossary, a list of recommended books, along with recommended websites.