Speaker Meetings What's New

Integrative Approaches to Mental Health

Integrative Approaches to Mental Health,
 Dr. Eric Arnold,
March 17, 1:00 pm on Zoom

Dr. Eric Arnold is the Vice President of Bay Psychiatric Associates and Director of ECT, Inpatient Partial Hospitalization Program, Alta Bates/Summit. Trained in psycho-pharmacy, psychotherapy and incorporation of psychodynamic and cognitive behavioral approaches, he uses integrative approaches to mental health such as Ketamine, TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation), ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy) and psychotherapy for diverse psychiatric conditions. These non-medication interventions will be the topic of his presentation.

This month, we have a date other than our regular 4th Wednesday presentation. Because of time issues, we will be taping his talk on Sunday, March 17 at 1:00 PM (link below), videotape it and post it for viewing on our website under What’s New.  Join us for the live presentation if you have questions and would like to interact with our speaker. 

Video recording of 3/17/23 presentation:
Passcode: Y.TnNm2r
Speaker Notes can be found here:

Join live Zoom Meeting March 17, 1:00 pm
Meeting ID: 845 2208 1142