Speaker Meetings What's New

Ketogenic Metabolic Therapies

Stephanie Criteser, Registered Dietician and Nutritional Therapist, will be our 4th Wednesday educational speaker on February 28, 7:30 pm – zoom link below.  Our speaker has had 12 years experience in inpatient and outpatient settings.  At Children’s Hospital Colorado, she helped patients with neurological and metabolic disorders implement and sustain  diet care plans, offering clinical services that support the use of Ketogenic Metabolic Therapies for management of mental health conditions.  Some personal testimonials to the diet’s effectiveness will be shared.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 894 0661 3816

Recording of the event can be found here:
Passcode: zqB4##@9

Speaker Meetings What's New

Powers of Attorney and  Conservatorships

Powers of Attorney and  Conservatorships – how to obtain authority to assist loved ones with  Baron Miller, J.D. , author of Laws We Need to Know….Understanding Rules and Programs for Persons with Mental Illness.  

Wednesday, Jan 24, 7:30 -9:00 pm, zoom ID: 891 3469 9654 

You can view the recording of the Meeting here:–t
Passcode: v!66t%u5

Speaker notes can be found here:

Speaker Meetings What's New

New Year’s Wrap Up, Wednesday, Dec 27, 7:30 PM

Something different here since this is sort of a throw-away/holiday recovery week, we’re just going to host a discussion about mental illness, with topics of book and film recommendations, research updates and the many current and pending legislative changes.  You can bring along some topic of interest that you want to share and discuss. 

   Join Zoom Meeting: ID: 839 8911 4761 

You can view the recording of the Meeting here

Recording Passcode: Q#40D%xQ

Speaker Meetings What's New

Most Common SSI Pitfalls

Most Common SSI Pitfalls
Daniel Fortuno, Benefits Education Center
Wed, Nov 15, 7:30pm on Zoom

The application process for the federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program is oftentimes problematic, as many families are painfully aware.  Daniel Fortuno from the Benefits Education Center in Long Beach, California, will be the guest presenter at our next educational event.  He will be discussing the Most Common SSI Pitfalls and will be dealing with questions from attendees.

Join us on Wednesday, November 15 at 7:30pm on zoom.  (This presentation has been rescheduled from the 4th to the 3rd Wednesday because of the Thanksgiving holiday).

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 861 2682 0161

Speaker Meetings What's New

Presentation  – Allies in Recovery.

Wednesday, Oct 25, 5:00-6:30 on zoom (note time change)
Allies in Recovery is a program that trains families in CRAFT, an evidence-based approach that supports behavior change and increases connection between the family and their loved one.  Dominique Simon-Levine and Laurie MacDougall will provide a brief overview of the CRAFT model and teach us a few key principles that we can implement with our relative.  

Since our our presenters live on the East Coast, we are scheduling this meeting for 5:00pm – our time.  We invite families to join us and share their challenges.  Link is below.  The meeting will be written up by Tom Thomas and also videotaped for posting.  

Note  time change! 
Join Zoom Meeting.
5:00  –  6:30 pm PST
Meeting ID: 846 2310 8691

Speaker Meetings

Meet and Learn about PEERS

Meet and Learn about PEERS

Wednesday, August 23, 7:30 on zoom (link below)

Recording can be found here:
Passcode: *DGcids1

Peers Envisioning and Engaging in Recovery Services (PEERS) is a diverse local community organization for people with mental health experiences. Their mission is to promote innovative peer-based wellness strategies. They create culturally-rich, community-based mental health programs that honor diverse experiences and eliminate stigma and discrimination in Alameda County.

Kimberly Marquez-Cortes (Program Manager),  Reza Hasani (Outreach Specialist), and Sarah Marxer (Evaluation and Policy Specialist) will be our guest presenters.  Join us to learn about PEERS and their services

Speaker Meetings

Speaker Meeting July 26, 2023 7:30 – 9:00 pm


Neuroscience question time with Dan Lurie, PhD.Wednesday, July 26, 7:30-9:00 on zoom

Please join us for an interactive night of learning with Dan Lurie, PhD. Dan is a cognitive and systems neuroscientist who studies how the brain works, and the relationship between the mind and the brain. He’s particularly interested in how we control our thoughts and behavior, and why doing so is difficult for some people. Dan will give a brief presentation reviewing key ideas about how the brain works, but most of the time will be dedicated to answering questions from the audience, so please bring your questions!

Join Zoom Meeting: 

See video recording at

Passcode: 6W0^!G%H

Speaker Meetings

Speaker Meeting June 28, 2023 7:30 – 9:00 pm

“Patients Rights Advocacy”
Wed, June 28, 2023
7:30-9:00 pm

Passcode: i2s6*.KN

Join us for a discussion with Francesca Tenenbaum, Director of Patients’ Rights Advocacy and Training,  and Sharnice Jones,  Director of Patients’ Rights Advocates, in Alameda County.

They will be discussing how they provide hearings to patients, their focused monitoring at facilities, investigations of complaints, and facility  response to recommendations.  The family perspective and that of the legally mandated Patients’ Rights Advocates  are not always on the same page, so we want to use this opportunity to see how the two groups can help each other and work together.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 897 1776 1376
One tap mobile
+16694449171,,89717761376# US
+16699006833,,89717761376# US (San Jose)

Speaker Meetings

Speaker Meeting May 24, 2023 7:30 – 9:00 pm

Coping, Communication, Self Care

Dr. James Branson

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Video Recording of Meeting below

Dr. James Bramson will be the guest speaker at our next 4th Wednesday affiliate event on May 24.   Dr. Bramson is a licensed psychologist and social worker with over 25 years experience as a clinical director,  trainer/supervisor of psychology interns, organizational consultant, neuropsychologist, forensic  psychologist and therapist.  He is the director of the Mindful Alliance Center and co-founded the East Bay Mindfulness Center.  

He will talk with us about communication techniques, limit setting, mindfulness and self care.

Our meeting will be on zoom  Wednesday May 24, 7:30-9:00pm.  Zoom link is

Meeting ID: 829 5585 0470
One tap mobile
+16694449171,,82955850470# US

+16699006833,,82955850470# US (San Jose)

Speaker Meetings

Families Advocating for the Seriously Mentally Ill, April 26

FASMI group discussion, April 26 (4th Wednesday) – 7:30-9:00pm,

Recording can be found here: 

Passcode: &9J1P$iQ

Join us for a  lively discussion with members of FASMI (Families Advocating for the Seriously Mentally Ill).  This group is making waves  with their informed advocacy for our loved ones and families.  We will be hearing more about their organization and getting an update on current legislation measures, the challenges underlying the process of working for system change and an inside look at advocacy efforts. 


Meeting ID: 883 9843 5105
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,88398435105# US (San Jose)
+16694449171,,88398435105# US)